'Mugshot Portraits: Women of the Montgomery Bus Boycott (Lottie Green Varner)' Included in the Mildred Lane Kemper Museum's 'The Outwin: American Portraiture Today'

Mugshot Portraits: Women of the Montgomery Bus Boycott (Lottie Green Varner) was included in the Mildred Lane Kemper Museum’s The Outwin: American Portraiture Today community-sourced audio guide, Interpreted by Dr. Treasure Shields Redmond, poet, performer, educator, public intellectual, arts organizer, and entrepreneur based in the St. Louis Metro East. The audio guide was created by St. Louis community members and Washington University colleagues to accompany the exhibition The Outwin: American Portraiture Today, on view at the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum from September 10, 2021, to January 23, 2022. Reflecting the interests and insights of our community, the recordings consist of responses by eleven contributors in their own words, each addressing an artwork of their choosing from the exhibition. With a variety of approaches—formal, personal, creative, academic—these reflections democratize the interpretation of the artworks and provide multiple access points for viewing them.

Source: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/f6541...