“Ashara Ekundayo In Conversation With Lava Thomas” is a 3-part interview series organized by the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (YBCA) and Art+Action for the project, 2020 Census: Who Counts in America? Read the full interview in the links provided below:
Pt. 1: Practice, Labor, and Leadership - “Ashara Ekundayo in Conversation with Lava Thomas, Pt. 1: Practice, Labor, and Leadership,”
Pt. 2: Family, Artifacts, and the Census - “Ashara Ekundayo in Conversation with Lava Thomas, Pt. 2: Family, Artifacts, and the Census”
Pt. 3: Spirituality and the ‘Artist as First Responder’ - “Ashara Ekundayo in Conversation with Lava Thomas, Pt. 3: Spirituality and the ‘Artist as First Responder’,